Service to help you generate more leads for your Real Estate
Project in a cost effective way!
Connect with Buyers. Sell Quickly. Make good profits
Are Newspaper or Print Media adverts not delivering enough leads as use to before 3 to 5 years?
Is the Cost per lead of print media increased more than double in recent times?
Are you burning your hard earned money on print media advertisements?
Is delay in new bookings hurting your ROI for the Project?
Is "Digital Marketing" of your Project up to mark?
"Digital Marketing has substantially reduced the cost per lead for Real Estate Projects"
The Road ahead for a Bright Future:-
Clear deals is a core Real Estate Company, providing Digital Marketing Services to Real Estate Developers for cost effective lead generation of their projects !
We help the Real Estate Developers avoid,
Negative consequences of dealing with a General Digital Marketer!
Losing your hard earned money on print media advertising!
Opportunity costs for delayed booking of project!
Feeling taken advantage of!
We with your support are working to change the big wallet traditional marketing techniques to cost effective digital marketing to help every developer generate good quality and cost effective leads for their project.
With "Cleardeals" in the market trying its best, no developer should have to experience any frustration for lead generation"
"We save real estate developers from frustration of poor quality leads, yet deliver the quickest, hassle-free and affordable lead generation services you love"